The DOF is kinda still there but AI has a tendency to un-blur unless specifically prompted not to. It does however love to blur backgrounds unprompted.
Other than a few bugs AI adds a level of realism I might have achieved a few times in decades of rendering and probably by accident. Once the bugs are worked out it will basically be a must use. Even though I like the results I wish I could obtain them a different way.
Adam pointed me towards Krea. Real nice to "upgrade" an image.
Hope these things will one day be made into a bundle ( kind like Photoshop or so) Runnig local without sorting through Loras, checkpoints etc. Ideal would be a plug in for DS, but I guess that would be a bit to much to ask for 🙂
AI isn't capable of genuine logical reasoning (at the moment) and it's basically a fancy calculator. Maybe when they match it with quantum computing things will change but I think I'll be long dead by then.
You mean AI that we, the public, are using right now.
Just remember that internet was a thing in the 60's, and released to general population 30ish years later.
There may be labs somewhere where some super AI has been developed that is capable of independent reasoning. Good point. It took us 50 years to find out about ECHELON.