@gaver Ok, I think I found a way to fix it, the hair was indeed coming out as chunky, now I have changed the prompt..., but I still have a few "unfixed" images to post first 🙁
I would like to see the fixed version but the hair is no big deal for me. I don't think better prompting is needed, just run it a few more times and it will probably fix itself.
@d0gg0d I am creating my images at 1280x1280, then upsizing by them by x4 with Aiarty Image Enhancer (a fellow zoner gave us a link for a free 1 year license 1-2 weeks ago).
It works amazingly. As for a vamp...
I'm on it. I'll make the whole theme a bit more horror, just for the sake of making her a bit more friendly 🙂
EDIT: I am getting some good stuff. I'll post in this thread one that I really like. There are others, but need time to fix.
@gaver @Frank22 I was using some wildcards and the term "shiny hairs" was making the hair looking meh. Thankfully, I edited them now, and replaced it with "fine hair". Although, this is a rough painting style.