D-Force Simulations Taking HOURS!

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  • #2001845
    Rank: Rank-2

    I'm new to using D-force. The first time I ran a simulation, I got a message about how something having to do with my Nvidia video card (a pretty high-powered one) had not been 'compiled' and did I want to have DS do it. I clicked yes. It spent at least seven hours, and I'm not sure anything happened. I went away and when I came back, DS had quit.

    I ran it again last night. Over EIGHT HOURS LATER, this simulation is STILL RUNNING. In fact, there were two figures in my scene, one wearing a d-FOrce item (which I selected) and the other wearing a conforming outfit. For some reason, it started working on the conforming item, which has now disappeared from the scene. Meanwhile, the simulation is STILL going and the d-Force item hasn't been touched.

    What gives here? Is this supposed to happen, or am I doing something wrong?


    Rank: Rank 3

    It sounds as though the conforming item had a dforce modifier applied and it's exploded, which slows the simulation down to a crawl.

    To fix, cancel the sim, select the conforming item, open the Simulation tab, click the menu lines, top right, then dforce, and select 'remove modifier.


    Rank: Rank-2


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