1960 Chevrolet El Camino

Home Page Forums Art Showcase 1960 Chevrolet El Camino

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  • #1985131
    Craig Teague
    Rank: Rank-1

    Hi everyone.
    Just wanted everyone to know, as the title says.
    I just added an OBJ available for download here.
    It a 3d OBJ Model i scratch built of the 1960 Chevrolet El Camino.
    Feel free to convert it to what ever format you need.

    Rank: Rank 5

    Very nice work Craig! I have a ton of auto shaders but does it come with separate material zones?

    Craig Teague
    Rank: Rank-1

    The whole model is broken down into pieces. The cover photo you see at the download, is from Farming simulator 2022.
    The only thing i did not have set to open is the Tailgate, Due to no sides to it.
    Everything on the model is grouped. The doors have all the door chrome set to the doors, hood and all its chrome is separate from the rest, as well as all the interior parts are done that way as well, The engine is a whole separate pieces as well. Front and rear suspensions are the same way.
    The model has potential to be extremely detailed with very little work.

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