Is Renderhub safe to buy from?

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    Some Guy
    Rank: Rank-1

    How trust worthy are they? Has anyone had any issues with credit card information?

    While were on the topic, how the hell are they allowed to get away with selling copyrighted character models? Some are even ripped straight from games. I mean I understand wanting to get paid for work, but in that case they should do original characters. Take artists like shinteo, they have a patreon, but end up releasing characters after a few weeks for free. I feel like artists who do fan work should probably follow that method instead, at least with Patreon you can say its a donation, rather then buying something.

    Its hilarious to me that render hub files get a lot of take downs, when they legally can't copyright already copyrighted work.

    Rank: Rank 6

    Well, Rednerhuub is only a brokerage, it's the vendors they host that infringe copyright. Loopholes, y'know? 🙂

    Anyway, RH is as safe as any; IDK about credit card infos, but they have PayPal option which is what I use when I checkout there. Never have a problem.

    Some Guy
    Rank: Rank-1

    Thanks, if its through paypal then that should be good.

    "Well, Rednerhuub is only a brokerage, it’s the vendors they host that infringe copyright. Loopholes, y’know?"

    I guess its similar to how streaming sites like fmovies aren't technically breaking the law since they're only providing links to places like putlocker.

    Rank: Rank 6

    Pretty much. All they need is a disclaimer and a promise to respond to DMCA notices. I guess nobody is hitting them though, Spiderman and company have been selling for quite some time uninterrupted.

    Then again, for all I know it could be like YouTube, where a copyright holder may opt to monetize the work and take their proper cut, instead of being a crybaby bisshh... I've had many videos hit with a claim, but almost all are allowed to continue, they just get monetized by the holder. Sony, Fox, Cartoon Network, all know the power of fan-art. The only one that ever forced a takedown was Children's Television Workshop, because I used Kermit in a Bill O'Reilly spoof. I could just see them flailing their arms like Kermit would... "Take it down! TAKE IT DOWWWWN!!"

    Rank: Rank 7

    Renderotica sells copyrighted/trademarked stuff, too. Not as blatant, admittedly, but still present.

    As for the safety...I haven't had any issues, either.

    Rank: Rank 6

    Copyright violations are only the half of it. Some of the RenderHub vendors steal assets from other artists and post them as their own. I avoid buying from them if I can.

    As to your question, I haven't had any issues purchasing from them. But heads up if you post stuff on the blog here--you'll get takedown notices within hours. They love to spam filehosters with claims. Share via PM and save yourself the hassle.

    Some Guy
    Rank: Rank-1

    "you’ll get takedown notices within hours."

    I find that ironic as fuck. lol. Renderhub content is like the only thing I have ethically zero problem with pirating because of their blatant copyright violations.

    "I avoid buying from them if I can."

    The only thing i'm considering buying is some of the marvel/dc costumes since they look better than the free versions out there. And sadly I haven't been able to find Tali or Edi from Mass Effect anywhere else for G8.

    "Renderotica sells copyrighted/trademarked "

    Eh, but its more like stuff that's just different enough to get away with. Even Daz content does that sometimes.

    Rank: Rank 7

    Nope, they sell "The Man without fear" a direct rip of Daredevil. The Netflix costume. In addition, they sell comix with trademarked attempt to hide them.

    But, no one is allowed to post an image in the gallery of a trademarked hero...graphic or not, lol

    Rank: Rank 6

    It's all a big crazy game.

    I am playing the game
    The one that will take me to my end
    I am waiting for the rain
    To wash who I am


    Grouchy Old Fart
    Rank: Rank 3

    It's been a giant game of steal-it-go-round for decades now. DAZ, Renderosity, Renderhub, Rotica, whoever - they ALL do it. Copyright theft is minimal on Renderosity and DAZ, but trademark theft is very common on these two sites, just like all the others.

    Rank: Rank-1

    A decade ago the copyright lawyers would have jumped on this, what happened?

    Grouchy Old Fart
    Rank: Rank 3

    Best answer I have is the game of whack-a-mole. They do chase down and threaten or sue violators, but for every one they stop, two others pop up.

    Rank: Rank-1

    I'm not a fan of artist being copied but its kinda odd since we post their stuff here.

    Rank: Rank 7

    I got a vendor email from Renderosity a couple of months ago. I once signed up for a seller account, but my stuff never past inspection!

    anyway in this email they mentioned Renderhub and how they are trying to shut it down because they are reselling their designers stuff!

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