Home Page Forums General Chat DECIMATOR DAZ Questions

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  • #1749334
    Rank: Rank-1

    Has anyone used Decimator? I have installed but documentation is basically useless.

    Take you through creating LOD then nothing.

    What is LOD?
    Is it a file saved somewhere.
    How do you use that?

    I did a test with a G3F character with clothing saved as a DUF then ran decimator on same and saved with different name.

    I expected that to be smaller than an un decimated file but it is many times larger? Normal file 316K decimated version 4.9MB

    What am I missing?

    Rank: Rank 5

    Perhaps this video can help you.

    Getting Started with the Decimator in DAZ Studio

    John Lund
    Rank: Rank 4


    I tested it a while ago. Although I don't remember the details but, yes, it is useless.

    You can reduce the the polygons of a character but you CAN'T save anything of what you just did....!!! I have searched the forum at DAZ and got it confirmed that the reduction is just temporarily and impossible to save in any way. The reason is very technical and I don't remember the details (the result is somehow not compatible with .DUF).

    I believe Decimator would only work if a script kicked in whenever you open a scene or merging a subset - that contains a previously decimated character - the script would have to repeat exactly what you did in a previous session. That's my understanding...

    If anyone has been able to save the result PLEASE tell what you did! I really would have an enormous use of being able to create a library of small poly characters to be used in the background!

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