Widdershins Old Books

Widdershins Old Books

Widdershins Old Books
Widdershins Old Books

A selection of antiquarian books for your pleasure.

These are static closed props suitable for bookshelves, rows and stacks of books. They could equally be used in a contemporary scene or a period piece. These designs have been inspired by real books and book titles.

There are 4 different book shapes, varying in width, height etc.

There are 6 different book spines.

For each spine there are 3 different covers - Leather, Marbled and Plain.

For each book design there are 5 ready made labels, including one blank if needed and so you can make your own labels from them.

In terms of spine and cover combinations this gives 18 (6 x 3) varieties of book, and then further with the customizable labels - so you could make a long series of books in volumes and so on.

Also included are two bookend props in dark and light woods for both 3Delight and Iray.


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