[UE] Hyperreal Japanese Adventure
( RARE : On stores, this product is no more available and will no more be distributed officially by the author... )
Hyperreal Japan-themed environment. All assets are sculpted and textured with stylized PBR materials, that can be adjusted on the fly. Mountains, rocks, cliffs, huge variety of vegetation, caves, statues, weapons, props and buildings. Comes with a huge map, set with world composition to save performance. Each mesh has lods and lightmaps for baked lighting.
2 square km landscape, fully set-dressed split into chunks for better performance.
Mountains and cliffs.
Vegetation (mountain maples, sakura trees, red maples, dead trees, roots, variety of bushes and flowers).
Structures (modular wooden house and modular stone cladding house).
Caves (cave rocks, walls, slime, crystals, glowing flowers, environmental effects, moss, etc).
Props (crafting stations, bed, weapons, ore, potions, herbs, wood planks, food, etc).
Decorations (stone pillars, statues, walls, cemetery props, incense burners).
Easily adjustable shaders.
Collision: Yes, automatic and custom
LODs: Yes
Number of Meshes: 442
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 353
Number of Textures: 781
File Hosting: Google Drive