The Perfect Tapegag (link fixed)

The Perfect Tapegag

The Perfect Tapegag

The Perfect Tapegag
This product works on ALL Genesis figures (Genesis, Genesis 2, Genesis 3, Genesis 8 and Genesis 8.1).

A MUST for all creative bondage artists!

With the tapegag comes a pasty and an eyetape.

The Tapegag keep the mouth of your genesis fe/male character with one double click taped!
With the pasty you can play around and stick little pieces of tape on the mouth and face.
The eyetape was build to blindfold your genesis character.

All three items are full of morphs to create special effects on the tapegag, pasty or blindfold - like tear it off, loose, folds building or size change, tape over the nose or something in the mouth.
The mimic of of the genesis face will be translated to the tape., too.

Just have a closer look at my samples and you will understand how powerful this product is.

Last but not least you will find a detailed pdf documentation, too!

File Hosting: Google Drive

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