Tanning Salon

Tanning Salon

Tanning Salon
Tanning Salon by 3-d-c for Poser and V4

- Main walls (Left, Right, Back, Front, Ceiling, Floor and Middle wall)
- grouped Props to the walls : Blinds (openable through morphs), Posters
- Cabin 1 to 3, all boned and openable doors
- Solarium 1 and 2 (for lying down)
- Solarium 3 a sitting up-body tanner
- Seat and table sets (two)
- The toilet set with openable toilets, doors and boned walls

- Banks for the tanning cabins (1-3)
- The front desk
- The stool for the front desk
- a fake outside wall
- Two Plants
- Single items for the wall blinds and posters

(Lights are designed and tested in poser 2010 / 8 but work in Poser 7 down as well)
- Main Sunlight
- Ceiling Spots
- Wall Spots for all Walls (Separate)
- Solarium Lights

- Nine essential poses for V4 (for this set)

- five camera sets

Tanning environment set comes completely with poses, lights, props and cams


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