Super Shaders - Armor & Fabric

Super Shaders - Armor & Fabric IRAY

Super Shaders - Armor & Fabric IRAY
ver wanted to dress up your armor sets with a bit of flashy color and stylish designs. Now you can! Introducing Super Shaders - Armor & Fabric! Make any clothing item look like stylish armor. Use the fabric presets to stylize other clothing and trims to match.

This Super Shaders set includes 34 unique texture shaders along with 41 color presets, 21 diffuse strength presets, 21 glossiness presets, 21 specular strength presets. It also includes 38 tiling presets (from 1 x 1 all the way up to 200 x 200), 2 presets to control the specular response on transparent objects, presets to use the textures as either bump maps or displacement maps, and three height presets to control the amount of the bump or displacement maps. You can create literally thousands of different combinations.

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