Shuttle Bus for DAZ Studio

Shuttle Bus for DAZ Studio

Shuttle Bus for DAZ Studio

Whether you need a shuttle from the hotel or parking lot to the airport, this model is ready for you!
Includes decals for 3 shuttles: from the offsite parking lot to the Orlando airport, from the offsite parking lot to the Newark Airport, and a courtesy van while your car is in for service at the RD Fine Auto car dealership.

Product Features:
* DAZ Studio prop: dsf, duf/ png, with 96,137 polygons.
* Driver side door can open and close, with a Pose Control dial on the Body.
* Passenger side doors can open and close, with a Pose Control dial on the Body.
* All four wheels can rotate around, with a Pose Control dial on the Body.
* Front wheels are steerable.
* Steering wheel is turnable and a Pose Control dial on the Body affects both the front wheels and steering wheel.
* The hood can open and close, with a Pose Control dial on the Body.
- An engine can be seen when the hood is opened.
* The driver`s seat can move front-to-back.
* The seats in the rear do not move.

Textures/ Material Files:
* All texture maps are 4096x4096 pixels and include corresponding normal/ bump maps.
* Nine materials for the Body metal:
- Three colored designs:
-- Orange with black stripes (default)
-- Green with white stripes
-- Yellow with blue stripes
- Six solid colors:
-- Blue
-- Green
-- Orange
-- Red
-- Yellow
-- White
* Four materials for the decals:
- Parking Shuttle (Orlando Airport)
- Parking Shuttle (Newark Airport)
- RD Fine Auto courtesy van
- Decals Off
* Five license plates:
- Florida
- New Jersey
- New York
- Ohio
- Pennsylvania
Also includes corresponding displacement maps to simulate raised lettering on the plates.
-Displacement mapping adds extra realism as the plate-lettering is three-dimensional.
The license plate is mapped the same as our other cars and trucks, which means you can use those textures on this model.
* All of the materials use Iray shaders.

All sales images rendered in DAZ Studio with an HDRI skydome environment.

Designed for use in DAZ Studio 4.9 and above with Iray. Not recommended for use in other software programs.

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