Robot Pose: Waiter Poses and Props for Genesis 9 and 8.1

Robot Pose: Waiter Poses and Props for Genesis 9 and 8.1

Robot Pose: Waiter Poses and Props for Genesis 9 and 8.1

With the continuous advancement of AI technology, robots can assist humans in completing many tasks, making the dream of having ample time to enjoy life a reality.

This product includes 9 single props and 3 combined props, as well as poses for three characters,Victoria 9,Oso Robot Servant, and LIFE Android 2 Male Base. Each character has 31 body poses and 17 hand poses. Both body and hand poses come with mirrored versions, except for a few highly symmetrical body poses that do not have mirrored versions. In total, there are 177 body poses and 102 hand poses.
There are differences in the foot structure between LIFE Android 2 Male Base and SDC Android 2 Male Blue. This product is based on the LIFE Android 2 Male Base shape, which means that if you load SDC Android 2 Male Blue into the scene and use these poses, you may need to make slight adjustments.
Oso Robot Servant is abbreviated as ORS, and LIFE Android 2 Male Base is abbreviated as Android M.
Before applying these poses, you need to load the corresponding props based on the hints provided in the file names. For example, for the pose file named 'RP 03 V9 Seven Cup LRHand' located in the Waiter Poses-->Waiter Poses For V9 folder, you need to load the 'RP 03 V9 Seven Cups LH' and 'RP 03 V9 Seven Cups RH' props from the V9 Hand Poses folder. Similarly, for the pose file named 'RP 03 ORS Seven Cup LRHand' located in the Waiter Poses-->Waiter Poses For ORS folder, you need to load the 'RP 03 ORS Seven Cups LH' and 'RP 03 ORS Seven Cups RH' props from the ORS Hand Poses folder.
Some poses require you to manually apply morphs to the props. For instance, the 'RP 23 V9 Wine LHand' pose requires you to load the 'RP 06 V9 Beer LH' prop. After loading, navigate to 00 Props-->Single Prop-->Beer-->Materials and double-click on RP Wine to change its appearance.
'Tray And Cups' and 'Tray And Wine' are interchangeable,you may need to make slight adjustments to the hand poses, For example, for the 'RP 05 V9 Balancing Tray LHand', you can load either 'RP 05 V9 Balancing Tray And Cups LH' or 'RP 05 V9 Balancing Tray And Wine LH'.
The correct sequence is to load the props first and then apply the poses. If you load the pose before the props, you might encounter incorrect results. If this happens, try reloading the pose to resolve the issue.
Please set Character HIP limits OFF when you use this poses.

File Hosting: Google Drive

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