RM Machismo for M4

RM Machismo for M4

RM Machismo for M4
Have you been wanting to make an M4 character, but were disappointed with the available morphs for him? Have you been wishing for some more manly face morphs? Look no further, Machismo for M4 will help you take your M4 chracters or renders to a whole new level!

Machismo is a set of 15 custom sculpted face morphs that will help you add a distinct and unique look to your M4 characters! You can use these morphs to expand your characters for your own personal renders or even better yet you can use them to create your own custom M4 characters for commercial resale! Mix and match them with each other, or with your other M4 morph resources!

* 15 Custom morphed head morph inj/rem poses
* 1 Inject all at ero pose for ease of mixing and matching!

This product may or may not work in D|S. No testing has been done on the morphs in D|S and as such there is no support for D|S for this product at this time.


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