SciFi Cryo Chamber Character Creator Iclone Reallusion

SciFi Cryo Chamber Character Creator Iclone Reallusion

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For Character Creator and iClone :
Set > Props (1)

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SciFi Cryo Chamber

This is a full scene of a SciFi Cryo Chamber. Everything is set up to easily hide walls on both the outer shell, along with all the interior walls, making it easy to hide parts for better camera angles. In addition, all the furniture and decor are sub-props, so you can delete, move or replicate easily. Each prop can be saved for using in other projects as well. Doors are set so you can animate to open/close on the timeline.

The textures are all high quality PBR including Metallic, Roughness and A/O.

There are 6 different cryo capsules with a creature pre-loaded with bubble particles to help simulate the look of liquid. The particle can be turned on/off as desired.

The large Cryo Capsule contains an animated creature with a PERFORM menu and an animation 1800 frames long that is loopable.

There are 4 ceiling vents and two wall vents that have a PERFORM menu to rotate which can be looped on the timeline, thus giving the scene more atmosphere.

See short demo movie showing the particles - also, you could animate the holograms on the timeline to rotate them, again, giving the scene more interest.

Product ID JICaccd5d0e7c0e03c20,SciFi Cryo Chamber,Character Creator, Iclone, Reallusion

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