New Discoveries

New Discoveries

New Discoveries is a pose/camera set that gives you multiple angles for image creation.4 major poses, with mirrored version, and alternatives for AP. 7 camera angles per pose, and 7 mirror angles for the camera. Notes some poses for the cam will be the same as the mirror pose, it was done this way to avoid confusion for the set, so you can just hit the mirror instead of tracking down if the mirror was the same as the original. Simply just for ease of use.

Each pose comes with a camera angle pose, FRONT CAM, OVER THE SHOULDER RIGHT & LEFT (2 Poses), TOP CAM, FACE CAM, BREASTS CAM, PUSSY CAM (of course with respective mirror poses.

Over 70 poses in this pack, most cam angle poses. 4 poses for G8F, Alternatives for Advanced Pussy. Zeroes for G8F, and AP.


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