Gothic Character Creator Iclone Reallusion BBAlley
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For Character Creator only:
Character > Accessory (3)
Character > Cloth (24)
Character > Shoes (2)
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Bigboss and Alley have teamed up to bring you an exciting new line of cloth for CC3+ characters. With Bigboss extraordinary skill at creating cloth, and Alley’s extensive background in texturing, together they will create stunning and polished designs.
This is the female "Gothic" pack. Along with the cloth bases for allowing you to create your own special styles, you get several pre-textured and ready to go pieces.. Each piece is completely customizable using the Substance Appearance Editor inside Character Creator.
The pack gives you multiple styles which include
6 ready-made dresses as shown in promos and customizable in Appearance Editor
4 Dress cloth bases pre-cut
2 Corset Bases - 1 Laced, 1 Buttoned
3 pre-textured Corsets customizable in Appearance Editor
1 Pair of boots and cloth base - customizable in Appearance Editor
1 Leather and Chain Belt plus cloth base customizable in Appearance Editor
1 Choker Collar plus base customizable in Appearance Editor
1 pr. Suspenders plus cloth base customizable in Appearance Editor
2 Goth Necklaces - 1 long, 1 short
1 Pair of Goth Earrings
1 Bow Accessory​
These Cloths were designed to best fit the CC3+_Neutral_F Character Base from Reallusion
This was an extensive collaboration between Bigboss and Alley and together we are planning to release several lines of new clothing options. Our commitment is to provide the user with cloth that allows for many options and variations...not just a single use out of the box design. Much thought will go into each collaborative effort to ensure the highest quality for optimal use in your projects.
Bigboss, Alley,Character Creator, Iclone, Reallusion,BBAlley