Eaten Alive for G8F
Required Morphing Stain for this product
Eaten alive for G8F is a pack of 15 poses for G8F and compatible morphing stain morphs -please see promo. One G8F pose goes with 4 stain presets. Keep in mind each G8F pose is always the same XYZ but stain is movable around G8F so two times loaded stain can give some extra effect for your art - try to see our Mushroom Alter G8F. Morphs somehow compatible with Morphing stain, work mostly with edges morphs. Please enjoy.
\biala\Morphing stain
\biala\Morphing stain\Eaten Alive G8F
Blood and bones.duf
Only blood.duf
\biala\Morphing stain\Eaten Alive G8F\Set 01
162761, biala, scienceartnature, addon, Morphing Stain