QuadSpinner River Rock & Sand - Collection 1

QuadSpinner River Rock & Sand - Collection 1

QuadSpinner River Rock & Sand - Collection 1
QuadSpinner products are intended to help you create your dream images and tell your stories.

Over 7000 hours of experimentation in Vue have fueled Dax Pandhi's passion for natural 3D and his superior innovations. One of his secret weapons: Materials. We are excited to share these treasures with you.

The QuadSpinner Foundry is now fully operational and has given birth to some outrageous materials. Alchemy at its finest. You'll be amazed by how these unique blends of colors and textures will enrich your scenes. Purchase and play.

If you are inspired to progress in your own laboratory, look for our upcoming tutorial "Materials - Your Secret Weapon".

River Rock

Sedimentary Stream - A breakthrough in realistic rock exteriors, Sedimentary Stream is a must-have in your own quarry. The seamless blend of rough and smooth surfaces, lined with deep cracks and crevices, in a range of smoky grays make this material irresistible for river rocks and HyperTerrains. The chalky white and camel accents lend the appearance of trace mineral deposits. The result is something you want to reach out and touch.

Vintage Rock - Ideal for backdrops and dark caverns where rivers have cut their way through natural hard rock over the centuries. Vintage Rock's' velvety monochrome presentation is simply stunning!

Earth Spice - The rich palette of Earth Spice will pepper your scene with black, white and a dash of cayenne. Its palpable varied grain is incredibly realistic and will connect you with the pulse of the Earth.


Golden Sandstone - Another widely adaptable material, Golden Sandstone lends authentic coloration and texture. The mix of soft golden hues, dried red earth, and smooth wavy striations is ideal for eroded river banks, canyons and vast desertscapes. Imagine effortlessly creating a magnificent painted desert or endless wispy dunes. Golden Sandstone can take you there. Other key applications include excavations, mines and slippery muddy slopes.

Camouflage - Blanket your scene in a neutral khaki tone with loads of detail. The most realistic sand for desert elements beyond dunes. Camouflage is so real, you better keep some water handy while you work. You may quickly start to feel parched.

Sandpaper -This coarse, compressed, reddish material has a sandstone-like appearance. The texture almost lifts off the surface. Sandpaper offers myriad use possibilities.


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