Poser and Creating Conforming Clothing

Poser and Creating Conforming Clothing

Poser and Creating Conforming Clothing
CAUTION!! This is a huge download.

Poser and Creating Conforming Clothing is an in depth video tutorial showing you my personal workflow for creating conforming clothing and armor for Poser; for either stock or custom morphed figures.
We will explore in full the Runtime folders, scaling issues, grouping, CR2's, blankCR2's, developer rigs, the joint editor, magnets, creating custom magnet sets, pose mats, materials and much, much more. I show you how I rig everything in creating this custom armor set, from start to finish. The armor set includes: conforming boots, conforming pants, conforming harness, smart parented; belt, thigh armor and leg armor. The only thing this tutorial doesn't show is the actual 3d modeling and the material map work done in Photoshop.
The workflow shown is simple and concise, making trouble-shooting a breeze.
Step up your game with Dark Edge Design tutorials and become an artist again!


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