Oriana Pavillion

Oriana Pavillion

Oriana Pavillion
Oriana Pavillion is an architectural fantasy set that includes a detailed multi story Pavillion along with paths, trees, ivy, pools, decorative poles and a complex steam punk style gear setup to further enhance the fantasy style.
It is a complete set that also includes a basic Iray Worlds-Plus environment and a sundial that positions the Iray environments sun simulator.
This setup creates incredibly realistic environmental lighting for pristine renders.
The Oriana Pavillion package includes 4 completely setup scenes that has all the Pavillion extras inside a real world environment.
It also provides 9 different camera setups and 4 sundial presets as well.
If you have Iray Worlds Plus then all the extras in that package will also work with Oriana Pavillion allowing vast scene creation possibilities.


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