Moss & Stone - The Texture Collection (Vue)

Moss & Stone - The Texture Collection (Vue)

Moss & Stone - The Texture Collection (Vue)
This is a bundle of Eleven Procedural and photo based Materials for Vue which simulate Mossy earth, old mossy rocks and mossy stone.
These materials are perfect for anything from walls, plant pots, garden and architectural ornamentation as well as terrains and even the ground plane. They will instantly give your object the appearance Mossy ground, stone and rock, giving your renders a weathered old look!
You can achieve great variety of effects with any of these materials by adjusting the material scale, so that you can achieve extremely fine textures or much more coarse ones too, making this bundle extremely useful and versatile.

What’s more; you can use these textures as a base for great ecosystems, or mix them in the texture editor to create your own, not to mention use the moss textures provided to add to your favourite existing textures.
All of this makes this bundle an extremely useful and versatile addition to your vue texture toolbox! All contents of this package have been created by Martin J Frost.

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