MMD Importer for Daz Studio

MMD Importer for Daz Studio

MMD Importer for Daz Studio

Plugin that allows the import of MikuMikuDance (MMD) models in .pmd and .pmx format.

Install by dropping it into the Plugins folder of your Daz install. You can then import .pmx and .pmd files into Daz with proper textures and bones. You can also drag and drop .pmx files into Daz, but I find it’s a little finicky dragging and dropping .pmd.

Please note that this doesn't import MMD format poses (.vpd format). Figures will have to be re-boned to match a Daz Studio figure to use native poses, or you'll have to pose the figures manually.

I can't provide further tech support for making the MMD models look good/pose well/render great in Daz Studio. I didn't make the plugin and it had no documentation when released, and it's not been updated for some time, and so you have to learn by experimenting. However the plugin does do exactly what it's supposed to: import MMD models into Daz Studio.


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