Medieval: Flowerpot Hennins

Medieval: Flowerpot Hennins

Medieval: Flowerpot Hennins
This type of hennins was particularly popular among years 1470-1485. It evolved from Steeple Hennin, but it was truncated to shorter variant and sometimes also equipped with various wire or fabric support to hold ingeniously arranged veils. During the time of Edward V and Richard III this style of headdress was the most fashionable form to wear.

Included are:

Flowerpot Hennin (smart prop for V4 or any other figure)
Split Hennin (smart prop for V4 or any other figure)
Earings L+R (smart prop for V4)

Large and Small Veil variant on each hat
Movement morphs for veils, forehead jewel and earing pendants

20 material options for Flowerpot (Butterfly) Hennin
25 material options for Split (Divided) Hennin

4 color variants for each gemstone

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