MD Traditional Train Station (REPOST)
The MD Traditional Train Station is a recreation of a traditional train stations found in south Mediterranean. This colorful set offers many locations for your figures’ renders, inside and outside of the station building.
The dimensions of the station are around 12m in height, 7m width and 5m height. The surrounding ground is 100m long and 70m width. The rail gauge is 1m. The product includes the interior of the station with 33 props, that you can use in your own scenes and a well at the backyard. An atmosphere control prop is also included. This prop controls the haze of the atmosphere (must have for making any God rays in the scene).
There are five levels of haze to choose from, and although the scene has many thousand plants, the usage of instances does not make the scene heavy in polygons.
The product includes 8 ‘Render Settings’ preset files, 20 cameras and lights sets and a lot of adjustments files, like scripts to set the intensity of the lights (inside the station, to the platform and to the road), to show or hide the vegetation in the viewport etc. A special script will let you set the name of the station, it will create the necessary maps (including or not any wear on the text) and it will apply these maps to the sign.
Get the MD Traditional Train Station for your next train, waiting, or travel render!