Keeper of Beasts Bundle (V4 & M4)

Keeper of Beasts Bundle (V4 & M4)

Keeper of Beasts Bundle (V4 & M4)
Hidden the deepest canyons, buried amidst the highest and most treacherous mountain ranges are the legendary Fanged Caves of The Keepers of Beasts. These Keepers are the champions of the beasts; the creepy crawly, the snaggle toothed, the hideously stinky and all that lie in-between. They are twins. Always fraternal twins; a male and a female. They were born to work together and to know, before it even happens, how the other will react to a situation. They were not born to slay the beast, but rather to protect them.

“And the wild things roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible teeth and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws.”

Maurice Sendak - Where the Wild Things Are

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