IG Iray Lights and Shaders - Candles

IG Iray Lights and Shaders - Candles

IG Iray Lights and Shaders - Candles
Add a decorative touch to your scenes while also casting realistic lighting in your Iray renders. IG Iray Lights and Shaders – Candles is designed to bring you both realistic looking and working lighting solutions.

IG Iray Lights and Shaders - Candles brings you 15 candle designs, from 3 different designs of candelabra candles and 3 tapered candles to 5 different designs of pillar candles, plus 4 unique melted candle designs. All 15 designs include a 3d modeled flame that includes morphs for simulating wind and flame flicker allowing you to quickly and easily animate a dancing flame. Plus several of the candles include morphs to adjust the height of the candles while also simulating the look and feel of a real burning, melting candle

IG Iray Lights and Shaders - Candles also includes 36 candle related props. You get candle shrouds for the pillar candles, 7 candelabra designs that can hold from 2 to 9 individual candles, 2 enclosed candle lanterns, 2 candle snuffers, and a variety of variously sized single candle holders. Plus there are poses to help you quickly load up the candles to the various props, as well as 92 pre-loaded candle/prop combinations to help simplify loading up and using IG Iray Lights and Shaders – Candles.

Filling out the products name, IG Iray Lights and Shaders - Candles also includes 154 materials and shaders, including 6 varieties of candle flame, 3 flame intensity presets, plus 7 crystals, 5 metal, and 29 Satin Finish universal shaders. Also included are 2 sets of 40 wax materials/shaders. The material set is included so that you can quickly and easily change the wax of any included candle, while the shader set will allow you to apply wax to any item or surface you choose. There are also presets to help you adjust bloom and white point settings, giving you that extra touch of realism. Also includes is a set of User Notes to help you use/adjust this product in your renders.


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