Hivewire3D Forest Portals

Hivewire3D Forest Portals

Hivewire3D Forest Portals
At certain times of the year, usually around the solstices and equinoxes, ordinary forests are mysteriously transformed into enchanted forests where the ordinary becomes the extraordinary.

It is said that when a forest is near water, such as a glimmering lake, tranquil pond or flowing stream, the mirroring effect of the water is magically transferred to the trees. When this happens, trees growing side by side gradually begin to mirror, each becoming the opposite of the other. Ever so slowly, day by day, they turn toward each other until the point of contact.

Once connected by touching, the space between them is transformed. The ground beneath them appears to liquify and a staircase is formed. The space between the trunks becomes charged with electric energy to create a doorway or a portal through which travel to other places is possible.

Transport yourself to locations you've dreamed of or have only imagined in your mind's eye.

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