Genesis Grey Materials – G3 Bundle
This freebie brings back the classic Genesis 1 grey clay material for Genesis 3 Female and Male. They are particularly helpful when shaping up our characters as we can see the detail of the mesh clearly in the viewport within Daz Studio.
These material presents are in 3 forms:
3delight: Contains materials for 3Delight using the DzDefault shader, these are recreated to match the default material Genesis 1 loaded with.
NVidia Iray: Contains materials for iray using the Iray Uber shader, these are designed to look like the default material Genesis 1 loaded with in the standard viewport representation. (Smooth Shaded/Texture Shaded modes)
NVidia Iray Renderable: Contains materials for iray using the Iray Uber shader, these are designed to Render similarly to the default material Genesis 1 loaded with in the viewport. *These materials were used in iray for the promotional render and icons of this freebie.
Also included is Shader Presets for each of the 3 detailed above, these shader presets can be applied to any surface of any objects within daz studio, and can be found in: Shader Presets > SpyroRue > Grey Materials
Updated: 28 June 2018
New DIM compatible zips!*
Corrected an issue where the shader presets gave users an error regarding missing UV assets, if you didnt have Daz's Rose installed. (Im sorry Daz didnt give you a rose, but daz will no longer trouble you about it) * Heres a rose from me instead Rose
Usage Rights:
There are no restrictions of use for this item, however I ask that you DO NOT redistribute this package or its contents.
Manual Installation:
Copy the “People” and "Shader Presets" folder from inside the zip and paste/merge within your ‘My DAZ 3D Library’ folder.
DIM Installation: (NEW!)
*Rename the zip SR00000003-02_Genesis3GreyMaterials and place it in your Daz Install Manager "Downloads" folder, and you can install within DIM. (Sorry about the required rename but DeviantArt likes to name attachments however it wants)
This item requires Daz Studio 4.9+ (Presumably it should work in 4.8+, but there were significant changes to Iray Uber since.)