Genesis 9 Skeleton With Glute, Belly, and Thigh Bones

Genesis 9 Skeleton With Glute, Belly, and Thigh Bones

Genesis 9 Skeleton With Glute, Belly, and Thigh Bones

Genesis 9 Skeleton With Glute, Belly, and Thigh Bones
This pack contains three scenes using the default Genesis 9 Skeleton with no morphs or textures applied. This can be used in conjunction with any Genesis 9 product. The extra bones also include weight maps and face groups.

The scenes are as follows:

This contains extra bones for the Glutes so that physics can be used when exporting this character to Unreal or Blender.

Gen9_Skel_Glutes_Belly.duf - This contains extra bones for the Glutes, and for the Belly.

Gen9_Skel_Glutes_Belly_Thighs.duf - This contains extra bones for the Glutes, Belly, and Thighs.

All of these were made using the default Gen 9 skeleton and therefore also contain the pectoral bones as well.

File Hosting: Google Drive

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