Star Trek Movie uniforms [Kelvin Timeline]

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  • #695934
    Rank: Rank 6

    I came across a uniform set for the new Star Trek films on DeviantArt and thought that some people here might appreciate them.

    G8M -

    it's not TOS but it's pretty good nonetheless.

    Rank: Rank 5

    thanks, its indeed not tos, more JJ's

    Rank: Rank 4

    Its definitely JJverse. Already have it to convert the male shirt to TOS PRIME Universe. I'm not a fan of the JJverse at all.
    But thank you for the mention.

    I'm just really surprised nobody has Nvents Trailblazer for G3 though.

    Rank: Rank 6

    There's shedloads of paid for Trek stuff that's out there but isn't available for free. I guess it says something about the fans of the show, either not wanting to share or maybe not wanting to deprive the creators of revenue?

    I like the "JJVerse"/Kelvin timeline for what it is, a more accessible Star Trek for newer viewers. Myself I can watch TOS but it's not what get's me going, I really loved the characters on TNG and that hooked me. DS9's early seasons were boring but it's later seasons into the Dominion War were great. Neelix spoilt Voyager for me. I enjoyed Enterprise but Bakula was always "Quantum Leap" to me so I never got very invested.

    The best uniforms (imo) are the JJVerse version followed by the later seasons of TNG and DS9. TOS uniforms always seemed a little too "piratey" for me.

    Rank: Rank 5

    i agree evilmonkey jjverse universe are better, tos was low budget made for such uniforms so they are a bit meh.. there are some that are free on sharecg as to tng, tos, ds9 if wanted for m3f or m8f its easy to convert.

    Rank: Rank 4

    I'm an Ancient Dragon. TOS is my thing. I enjoy the other series, TNG, DS9, Voyager and Enterprise, but its not TOS. I have every series, and both the original and Re-mastered of TOS. The re-mastered makes it look new to me no matter how many times I watch, and I watch TOS EVERYday.
    I have all the free items available for TOS including all the room models, as far as 3D.
    A few years ago I spent over $400 buying Lego parts from around the world in order to build a 1:350 scale TOS Enterprise = almost 36" in length, plus I have the 1;350 model kit.
    I don't consider JJverse Star Trek. The 1st movie was OK, but he was trying to re-invent Star Trek without even knowing what Star Trek was about.
    CBS/P can suck a big one. They don't care about Trek, just money. They need to release it to the fans who honestly care about Genes universe and carry on his legacy.

    But I digress, I just want the G3 version.

    Rank: Rank 5

    i know what you mean as to jjverse movies, altough i did like the last movie.
    yes i'm a big fan too got all dvd's blu-rays even vhs.
    even the models from amt/rtl 3d chess game phasers uniforms..
    personaly i don't like either jj or even the new series STD.

    and i got a bunch as 3d models from STO as the big galaxy classes ody's and many others to render.

    some i already had shared here, maybe i will do the others too as a bundle..

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