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  • #1618409
    Rank: Rank 3
    Rank: Rank-1

    offering 1000 for silent slayer, 250 for odalisque

    Abrasive Angel
    Rank: Rank-1

    500 points each

    Abrasive Angel
    Rank: Rank-1
    Rank: Rank-1

    Have any of these been filled yet?
    I'll offer 500 pts each.
    PM for pts

    Rank: Rank 4

    The reason why this hasn’t been filled yet is because ROMFX is going after sites like these and threatening them to take the files down or he’ll report the site to sites like DAZ, Renderosity, Renderotica, etc to shut it down.

    ROMFX’s content have been blacklisted in a way until further notice.

    Rank: Rank 3

    lol. If anyone here thinks that DAZ, R'osity or R'otica don't already know about these sites, they're loony. Every artist knows about these sites. Every sales site knows about these sites.

    afaik, only @hunter can blacklist stuff here. If he says don't post it, it can't be posted. It's his site and he sets the rules. Did he say ROMFX crap can't be posted here?

    Rank: Rank 4

    I said it’s blacklisted “in a way”. Meaning in unofficially blacklisted and ROMFX said that he’s going around “pirate sites” and reporting the uploads on Renderotica’s forums.

    Rank: Rank 3

    So, it's not really blacklisted, it's just not shared by some. Still would like to get hunter's take on this. If PA's can keep their stuff from being posted here just by threatening to report the uploads to the sales sites, this place will close down within a month. That sounds like crazy talk to me.

    Rank: Rank 4

    I’m trying to find the post that ROMFX made but I’m guessing that he removed it due to sites like these catching wind of his actions against sites like these. Some people have definitely seen ROMFX’s content suddenly disappear from other sites similar to this one all at once, so there’s definitely something that ROMFX is doing to make these types of sites to take down his content.

    Rank: Rank 3

    ROMFX probably does the same thing Adam Thwaites does with his work. Thwaites files DMCA take down notices with the hosting sites within a day or two of it hitting the wild. He spends more time trawling sharing sites looking for his content than he does making his models. Once the hosts get those notices, the products can't be reposted again because they go on a "banned" list. The sharer had to go in and rename all the content in order to get around it in most cases. Mega is fast to take stuff down. Google is a little slower. MediaFire gets around to it eventually (I read that they make you prove you own the content before they'll take it down).

    If ROMFX is going to get shared, it will probably get shared directly to those who request it in the thread and not posted to the blog, if at all.

    Rank: Rank-2

    Looked at this dude's stuff and once you've seen one of his characters, you've seen them all: fat chicks with different faces, big whoop. Nothing remarkable, tbh. You could easily make your own with morphs already available, anyways.

    Rank: Rank-2

    Nah, it's way hypocritical.

    It'd be one thing to be upset over purely original stuff being reposted/shared for free. I can at least be somewhat sympathetic to that POV.

    But if they're selling items based off an established IP, like this dude has, they have zero room whatsoever to cry victim of theft. What comes around, goes around.

    Rank: Rank 4

    Yeah. I’ve been noticing that ROMFX has been cashing in on certain trends.

    Like right after Cyberpunk 2077 launched, he uploaded a few character models of the female characters from the game (not ripping them, but making them as close as it can get to the original) and selling them at almost $20.

    Yeah, definitely something feeling greedy IMO.

    The same goes for that one person selling those DMC characters. (Forgot the person’s name but he also has been known to send takedown requests) and surprise, they are full of errors when they load in DAZ.

    All these people have one thing in common, taking characters from established IPs and selling them while they send takedown requests to piracy sites because they claim to be “loosing money”.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Just saw where the items in question have posting complaints.
    Share them but don't post them. right?

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