Respect your Request Fillers

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  • #2116643
    Rank: Rank 7

    I've been trying to keep this situation under wraps but it's happening more and more not just to me but people on this forum in general so I'm just going to address the elephant in the room.

    If you didn't fill the request PLEASE stop filling them as if you did.

    Some of you contribute very little to this forum and some don't at all. But at the very least have respect for the people who fill these requests.

    As I said, this has happened to me a lot. Some of the culprits are noobs(Or people with multiple accounts) while other times it's veteran members who are doing this which is even more egregious. I expect this sort of thing from newbies who've just joined and don't quite yet understand the rules but when it's coming from someone who's been here as long as I have and probably longer... that's when it's time for this to be addressed.

    you in particular have done this to me on multiple occasions. You would post a request, I feel that request and I get rewarded by you filling that same request sometimes in the same day as if it's yours.

    Like here;

    You post a request, I feel, you take.

    I've went to mods;





    on several instances about this, heck, I went to you myself when you filled one of my very recent requests. Sadly, nothing really seems to be working. So my proposal to the mods as well as @hunter would be that people who are repeated offenders of this be penalized for this.

    I could understand if I disappeared off the face of the planet and left behind dozens of request but the fact that I'm a very active member, the fact that I literally printed "DO NOT Share" "I'll share it in the future myself" and this still happens is a slap in a face to me. I mean if you want points so badly then why not fill more requests yourself?

    Rank: Rank 5

    It's crappy that this happened to you. Maybe you could manually fill the requests, until something is done about it, instead? Some people have been doing that.

    Just send out the PMs to trusted names on the request list and omit the ones you distrust.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Pirate site. Even though there are some trustworthy people here, trust no-one unless you're willing to be disappointed.

    Pirate site. If people don't care about the creators why would that care about you sharing it? Thieves stealing from Thieves.

    Pirate site. Ultimately it's about sharing. In almost all cases minus a few whales, you'll easily get more than you put out. Think of it as a cup everyone drinks from but not everyone fills.

    A basic percentage of respect should be shown but dont expect it. Most only care about getting what they want and if you die no tears will be shed. Eventually someone else will fill your shoes. You're part of a minority that shares and if that doesn't warm your heart it will probably drive you insane.

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