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  • #2098388
    Rank: Rank-1

    I kinda get it,though, the expiration date on points is kinda pointless,would most probably make people stop trying to fill requests,since their points will dissapear after some time, i mean what is the point? xD

    Rank: Rank 5

    "Care to explain if the files are all over the internet then why would someone spend their "no longer free" points to get those files from here?"
    - Not every item is all over the internet.
    - Today maybe there are 3x sites where you can download it, but tomorrow maybe it will be 0x. I know only about 2x sites that are older than 2 years. This site in this form is almost 10 years old.
    - Many leecher sites are filled with ad viruses, or maybe the uploaded files have some "little extra surprise", so "choose wisely".
    - Easier to get the new stuff from the source.

    There are no quotas on Workupload, Bunkr, Cyberdrop etc. And many members are using multiple free Mega accounts for this.
    Also if someone has a file already in their personal collection it's even easier to drop it to Workupload etc and do a quick post or fill.

    For the "no longer free points": (https://zonegfx.com/forums/topic/important-reward-banning-changes/page/4/#post-2098313) Also @lupusvirum

    Rank: Rank Overload

    At the end of this thread will there be a test?

    Rank: Rank-2


    Comparing this site's business model to a private tracker is not fair for the following reasons.

    1) Right to share and earn: Since duplicates are not allowed here, only one person gets the right to share a file and earn the points for it. The person may be the filler of the request or the first to make a blog post, doesn't matter, since its always only a single person. In a private tracker, any number of folks can share a file and earn the upload benefits collectively.

    2) The cost of sharing: Here anyone who wants to earn that supreme right to share a file has to compete with others in acquiring the "distribution rights" to that file. This often results in unhealthy competition and missed opportunities especially for new content. Yes missed opportunities, since people who bought the content often consider waiting for a certain time to pass so that their pirate post doesn't get linked to their store purchase. But then someone jumps the gun causing missed opportunities for others who bought it solely for the points. In torrents, one only pays for the seed box or none if they have a spare PC hooked online.

    For those reasons I believe this community would have been better served if it were to move to some private torrent based tracking than the existing "rights" based distribution and earning model.

    Yes gate-keeping for leechers could still be implemented based on seed-ratio, but the barrier to contribute would be much lower than it currently is.

    Rank: Rank 4


    There's no business model here. No tax being paid, no 401k involved, no contract. No assigned right, no distribution right, no license needed. It's not complicated and complex like many would hope to be. Either you share, or you dash. Door's open if you contribute, or closed if you don't.

    It's not fair to a person because said person has never contributed anything onto the table. He who gets pinched feel the pain. This should've been done long ago.

    Many here have tried very hard NOT to attempt on filling any request, which is the source of anything you'd download from, by giving various excuses ranging from being in poverty to assuming that to get points, it can only be done via cash and BTC donation, and still refuse to acknowledge the existence of filling request, and attempt to at least fill a <=10$ request.

    I hope you'll start your contribution from now on, and soon after you'll see that the daily 100-points-related arguments here are really inconsequential. Post it onto the public blog to share further after 2-30 days. So that people don't have to actively spend to fill requests. You fill, you're good. That simple. The person who filled a request, will be the person who gets to post it onto the blog. Hence why the auto-posting system after x days is in place. Simple decency. Too idealistic huh?

    For those who wanna post onto other leeching sites? Great, fill some of the requests, get yourself a handful of hundred thousand points, post them to public blog, grab them off the public blog some time after. The people who own these leeching sites are getting ad and click revenues. These revenues could've, in turn, contribute into making sure new contents flow actively. But you know, they don't.

    Rank: Rank-2


    What makes you think that I have not contributed? Is it the fact that I do not have any public posts on my member profile? You seem to be confusing my preference of anonymity to the lack of contribution.

    I welcome any moderator to verify all the "Request filled" messages in my sent items to check if I have contributed or not.

    Again, I am not giving excuses but merely suggesting the challenges that I myself have faced at some point while making my contributions count.

    Think again, how do you deny the existence of distribution rights when there are so many eager fillers for those few bargain-bin items but only one who makes the first post reserves the subsequent right to earn points for that? I am indeed referring to the $2-3 item for day during the last PA sale.

    Rank: Rank Overload

    If this keeps up will have to buy a calculator or hire an accountant

    Rank: Rank-1

    I am what you would probably consider a low level user. I am living on a fixed income and was ecstatic when i found this site, and more so when they finally let me join. New membership was closed for while.

    My main concern is the loss of the daily points, as i rely on them, but i buy more when i can. My other concern is that if you are going to eliminate the daily free points then you need to be more strict and make people accountable for points wasted on dead posts.

    I personally lost over a thousand points on bad links. I was only repaid for one of them, and i gave it back to the guy because he was a complete jerk about it, and I just wanted to keep the peace.

    So if people can post bad links and not pay back the points we lost trying to download them, then what is our resolve for that?

    Rank: Rank-1

    Well that explains it... I was wondering why I didn't have any points. As a truck driver I don't really have the time anymore to share like I did. And because of the retards voting Democrat our grocery bill more than doubled. You try feeding 6 teenagers and still have money at the end of the month.

    I'll do what I can but I think for us that has shared and also made a huge fuss about seeing out one off customs pop up on other sites should still get daily points.

    But that's just my .02

    Rank: Rank-1

    I agree the leechers need to go but there is plenty of people sharing here and then taking items and sharing else were. What about all the bad links. You have to jump through hoops to get your points back. After spending well over $300 on this site and end up wasting over 600 points on dead links that I didn't message and request my points I did stop buying like I did. There is a huge flaw in the system. I'll spend money if I absolutely need or want an item but the Internet is vast and if you can't find it out there for free then you really aren't trying. Honestly the guys at zone could capitalize on all the traffic and put small ads on the sides of the site and stop hurting all to kill off a few . They beg for donations when they sould easily get a few thousand on custom ad revenue. And screw Google ads I would touch it with Kamala's dik.

    Rank: Rank 4

    Dang. It's been a while since I've been here. The more things change, the more they stay the same. This is a replay of the old leecher thread from several years ago that was stickied before the stickies got cleaned up. There were a lot of good ideas in that old thread. It doesn't look like they were captured for posterity.

    As I wrote in that thread, anything that makes more people share is a good thing. Whether it be making it harder to leech or giving benefits to the sharers. This is the basic carrot/stick approach. Harder to leech means screwing with the points. That's the stick. Giving better benefits, such as early access to blog posts, to the sharers is the carrot approach.

    I retreated from sharing here because it became demoralizing to see people ignore my request to not share the items on the blog and to see my shares end up on L3D a day after I filled them. And the two or three users who never paid the points for the item was the icing on the cake. Looks like the new request system took care of that problem.

    From what I've read, it seems that the sharers have self-segregated into private sharing groups. It would have been nice to see zonegfx management formalize this. That would get me to consider sharing here again. I always recommend the carrot approach if possible.

    Rank: Rank-1

    This is a big setback to me, but I understand. I don't know what the best solution would be. I you only want users who upload content then perhaps you should ban every account who has not uploaded anything ever (such as mine). However, if you also want to have some low level visitors like me, perhaps you should keep a small incentive, like 5-10 points a day or something like that. I wouldn't mind the cut. It all depends on your goals.

    Rank: Rank 5

    Personally, I think the removal of daily login points is a sensible move. There are so many users on here who only farm points, then post elsewhere.

    I have purchased a couple of items from the store of a former Daz/Rendo PA, but I'm wary of posting or sharing them here - even privately - (though there are a couple of members that I do trust not to do this) due to the likelihood that they'll be posted elsewhere, and the vendor will be able to trace back to my card details and identity.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Expiring points is a friggin' terrible idea, it'll run your site into the ground... but you do you, this ain't my playground to bulldoze.

    Rank: Rank 4

    "...due to the likelihood that they'll be posted elsewhere, and the vendor will be able to trace back to my card details and identity"

    I've never used my cc or anything to reveal my true identity to DAZ, RS, or RE. I use VISA or MC gift cards, a protonmail email address and just pick any valid mailing address in the US.

    The purpose of these groups (or Zonegfx for that matter) isn't to accumulate points, or badges, or rep, but to accumulate 3D assets. Twice I've been offered to join a private sharing group from someone on this site. One shared assets from a specific vendor. The other shared assets of a specific type. I don't know if there are general asset sharing groups here. This was another reason I decided to back off from here. That left a bad taste in my mouth. And that's a reason I'd like sharers to have a more formal/sanctioned method of sharing here rather than self-organizing groups. If it was out in the open, it would encourage more people to share in order to get into that level.

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