DazArtificer - Ultimate Scraping Tool

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  • #2072012
    That Guy
    Rank: Rank-1

    Much obliged to both, and I am glad I could help troubleshoot the bug with you!

    Rank: Rank 4

    Hello @lewd18ratio,

    I'd be curious to know what you use to build the interface for your Python code. Tkinter? Kivy maybe?

    Have a nice day


    Rank: Rank-2

    Hi @mathmathou

    For DazArtificer itself I am using the classic PyQt5 for the GUI Interface. As for the DIMCreator, I used a custom Qt5 from fluentwdigets.

    Best regards,

    Rank: Rank-2

    New Update v1.9.5 is out

    Unfortunately, I have been very ill over the last few weeks and have therefore not been able to work much on my tool.

    This update only provides stability improvements and fixes the known bugs of DazArtifizer.


    ### Added
    - Console Window integrated into the GUI for better user interaction and logging.
    - Template copy feedback to confirm when a template has been successfully copied.

    ### Changed
    - Increased renderosity scraping timestep from 3 to 5 seconds to mitigate issues with 'Description not found' errors.

    ### Fixed
    - Resolved an issue in FileExplorer where files would not display after using the 'Clear Data' function.
    - Enhanced sanitation for Product Name inputs to eliminate forbidden characters (e.g., '/', '\', '?') that could lead to errors during DIM generation.
    - Corrected the clean function in DIMBuild that previously caused that some files couldn't be deleted
    - Addressed the mega upload problem present in the executable version.

    DazArtificer v1.9.5 Image

    That Guy
    Rank: Rank-1

    Thanks so much for helping me through that. I'm working on a bunch of custom animations and will end up needing it eventually.

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