Daz... now... *seriously?*

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  • #2081084
    Rank: Rank 6

    5% should already be enough when brought visually this leaves the market a chance. Spiderman as such can't be protected Spider is an animal man is maskulin it is as if you would say I name my dog Snailman and no one else is allowed using that name The Widow can also not be a brand name. Batman Penguin you can use the names, but your character should differ a 5%, your Image should be a unique setup with a own story line. Then comes the Intellectual ownership, you might not be able to claim a sole ownership so you end up with a concept. Do not Claim full ownership do not make a provocation give some credit if it gets close, do not try to steal there Idea makin it yours, offer some admiration.

    Making it porn does not matter, someone sure already made a snow-white or a Wonder Woman porn movie! Art is not as restrictive as one might think.

    A Party is free to place a claim but it might not really be effective, it would rather be to block some concurrence.

    Do you think that if Marvel would claim full ownership and sue all the fans in the world have any success with it ? It would be there end 🙂

    Rank: Rank 4

    "With deep fake and AI art being a thing now Im not sure why the courts arent flooded yet."
    Copyright belongs to the person that took the picture, not the person whom is the subject of the picture. So with images produced with AI, the issue isn't with the person/s who is represented but rather with the photographer's copyright to the training images.
    Sites like Civitai have rules regarding use of images of "real people"... "Out of respect for this individual and in accordance with our Content Rules, only work-safe images and non-commercial use is permitted." Whether or not that will stand up in court is another matter as I'm pretty sure a QC or well-paid lawyer could successfully argue otherwise.

    Rank: Rank 6

    In the case of the Daz artists creators or any other Creators that make a Mesh these can probably not be sued, they just offer the tool that could be used to make a Loki, the model per se that could be used, like a Genessis to make Loki can't be sued as Loki.

    The creator did not commit any copyright infringement with the tool the package as it is still versatile and could be used for many other things, it is symbolizing what could be done with it, in this example Loki. The Creator only made a edge walk by showing in a render what could be done with Genesiss or DS using assets. Placing a concept, a resemblance. The creator will not get in trouble.

    The Customer ( End user ) will have to make he's choice it will be up to he's responsibility what he will be making out of this mesh, The Creator can not control what the end user will do with the tools.
    The Customer can make with 3D tools any Imaginable thing. If the user decides to use this Loki concept for he's art or work making Marvel or DS comics the infringement will be done by the users published works.

    The only thing that could be done against the one who offers the tool, is to remove the Promotional picture that might show a resemblance with Loki.

    If you buy a hammer the storeowner can't be accused for the crimes you have committed with it. He just sold a tool, it is in your responsibility what you will do with it.

    Rank: Rank 3

    If you buy a hammer the storeowner can't be accused for the crimes you have committed with it. He just sold a tool, it is in your responsibility what you will do with it.

    And yet ISPs and software makers are being sued all over the world for copyright infringement committed with the software, and via the ISP's connection, by the people using both.

    https://torrentfreak.com/ There's stories here almost every day about how rich media companies force governments to do their bidding.

    Rank: Rank 6

    Yes they always try, a way to gain control, force others to pay a fee, rule the market.

    it is like if the customer goes in a store, and asks the vendor " What hammer should I buy to kill the neighbor " then the vendor needs to inform authorities and not sell the hammer else he could get involved in a delict.

    All you do now day's is sort of a edge walk, I think Daz creators are on a secure side as they just sell a Extension to be used in studio, it is brought to the customer like a lego stone to build there own castle. Considering the fact that they do not sell the Promo Artworks, these are just visual concept's and not what you buy ( These could always show some resemblances with something that already exists ) . So actually is the final Artist responsible of the final release he made with all the pieces he put together releasing the final Artwork or selling it.

    This might be the main reason why the one who is offering the screws for a construct will never be sued as it is just a part of the whole, the one who used the screw will be responsible if the bridge fails to hold.

    Daz Studio has actually no Impact on the world market, Most get bought but you barely see it in action, People play with it a little at home after work it stay's most of the time in a private ambient. The assets are so restricted that it could not even be used for a business.

    Rank: Rank Overload

    If you think of it, they should be encouraged in this.
    Some, if not most of you, do not like 3duk (I like/and have several of his items).
    Render Hub has now put constraints on their items, especially 3duk.
    The items listed here from there(?) have gone up in price.
    We are thieves, if we close these places down, who do we steal from,,,,,each other?
    Think about it.......WE....are taking a moral stance against Daz.....WE
    My mother use to say " It's like the pot calling the kettle black"
    Of all the people taking the high ground about this.......we go last.
    By the way look at the present total for the Wagner item
    It ain't unpopular
    Go DAZ!!!!!

    Rank: Rank-2

    More than anything, it's a stance against hypocrisy. *We* are pirates, we know it, we admit to it and yes, on some level we probably relish in it. Companies like Daz though, whine a lot about piracy and are constantly pilfering intellectual properties to coax people into buying the sixth thousandth variation they made of their one figure. They should just come clean about that, sign some agreements with the involved franchises/individuals and make it known. *Then* and *only then* can they go about being high-and-mighty about piracy. But oh wait... a pirate is someone who uses something without paying for it. Doesn't using the image of this or that person without a clear endorsement... not only using something without paying but also *making money* from it? And they clearly don't want to pay...
    So yeah. That's what made me go "come on" with the whole Wagner thing.

    Rank: Rank-1

    If you knowingly aid in a crime you can probably be charged. If a guy says I'm going to hit people in the subway with this hammer and you sell it to him and dont report it to the police you are an accessory or at least negligent. All they need is a surveillance video proving you knew.

    If they know a product is questionable and choose to profit from it, I don't see how they couldn't be sued. Proving they knew who Batman is may be difficult though.

    I make 0 profit off anything I get here.
    They could get me for disturbing what I post but might need to prove they lost profit and those people that got it free would have paid to download it. I would more than likely have to pay an imposed fine but "may" work out some plea since I couldn't afford that. Probably community service.

    Rank: Rank-2

    If they say they don't know who Batman is, we'll know they're replicants and we can legally have them sent away for dismantlement :p

    Rank: Rank Overload

    After "they" are sent away, who do we steal from?
    Garage sale, Going out of business sale, rehash michael 1.5

    Rank: Rank Overload

    At the moment there are 55300 points offered for the Wagner Bundle.
    Tell the people looking you are locking up the source before they
    get it.
    Better still ask a vote from them on locking up DAZ

    Rank: Rank-1

    Most people that steal know it's wrong.
    Most people know driving to fast is wrong.

    I've no issues with people making $$ off Disney, Marvel, Star Wars. Just call a lightsaber a glow stick for the lawyers.
    These companies should either create or endorse the products to begin with. If they aren't in that market then it doesn't affect them.

    Rank: Rank 6

    We could have some fun and just add each 50'000 or more on it that would beat every record in no time see if it will reach a million ..... there just points to play ! 🙂

    better then to debate who is the thief .....

    I placed my bet ... so now we are over a 100'000 🙂

    Do not really need it but fun is fun ....

    !!! argument ... better get it before Loki takes it down from Daz he can be really nasty !!!

    Rank: Rank 4

    just added 1,000 points to the bundle's offer. (now 1,500 for my total offer).

    we need someone to get this bundle before it gets taken down

    Rank: Rank Overload

    3000 from me (piker)

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