Changing Profile Name

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  • #1641437
    Nicolas Neumann
    Rank: Rank-1

    To protect my safety online, I changed my name as well as my email. However, when I hover my mouse over the "howdy, insertnamehere" thing in the top right corner, it still says my original name in smaller lettering under my new name. This needs to be gone or they can still find me through Google. I have scanned through every possible "edit profile" option there is, and absolutely nowhere can I even find where this old name comes from or how to get rid of it.

    EDIT: I discovered it's the "author" name. The old one still shows up on Google and when I go to my profile it still says my old name in the URL...

    EDIT EDIT: I found the profile settings but it says usernames cannot be changed for some reason.

    Is there an option to delete my account entirely? If this turns out impossible to fix, I'd rather just nuke it all. Do we at least get that freedom?

    Rank: Rank Overload

    You must contact @Hunter to have this done. If you have points stored in your old account, then you could request first they be transferred to your new account - but keep in mind anything you posted in the BLOG or elsewhere will disappear if Hunter deletes your old account.

    So I suggest that you discuss that with Hunter. If you have NOTHING in the Blog, and its only a list of what you PURCHASED, then no worries deleting your account, but if you posted to the Blog and you GET points from others, that link will be cut off once you delete your account, or Hunter does it for you, and any Blog posts you made will disappear from the site and you will have to re-upload them under your new name.

    I hope I said that clearly enough.

    Make sure all those things with Blog Points, Blog Posts, and your Points are clear when you ask Hunter to delete your old account - and make sure you have setup a brand new account to refer him to moving points etc over to.

    None of us Moderators have access to Customer Account control. Only Hunter can do this.



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