🗯 FEEDBACK & WISHLIST // Request Filling & Posting System

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  • #2036070
    Rank: Rank 4

    There is a big problem------- some people use other's file to fill the request and post.
    i have witnessed this happend more than once since the new system was launched.
    it is quite unfair to the original filler.

    These cases all have significant characteristics, once they see a request appearing, they immediately fill it in. they don't want the original filler know that.

    it's sad, the only way to handle this is by contacting the moderator.

    some people are not worth, it's important to choose who not to fill.
    they have already been blacklisted by me, i will never fill items for them.
    if i meet this situation, i'll take the most primitive approach---- one by one

    but yes, the new system has just been launched and there must be many problems, Needs continuous improvement, i hope it becomes better.

    Rank: Rank 4

    just now, it happened again, someone just use other's file to fill the request on new system, and post it to get points. that is not cool.

    although i already have the item from original filler ,i still added the points in,
    i don't mind if those points have decreased, i do want to know who are they.

    in my view, these people have serious offended the original fillers,and i must contact the original filler immediately, because i cherish their purchases very much, this is my respect for the original filler.

    absolutely necessary.

    Rank: Rank 6

    @warrant63, I have a question, what happens with the items where the original filler is not available? For example, someone who has been absent for months or someone who deleted their account?

    Rank: Rank 7

    @bloodhunter666 If a member went offline 3+ months ago I usually recommend the members to try to PM the others from the thread, maybe they can help.
    With the new system, it's totally worth trying to add the item as a request - as time passes there is more and more chance that someone bought it as well during a sale.

    If you see a request (which was Filled before by a long gone member) IMO you can fill it without a blogpost - so you help the requestors - then if you want you can boost the next art contest 😉

    If you bought it too, then IMO you are free to do anything 🙂

    Rank: Rank-1


    WRONG CONTENT https://zonegfx.com/tink-left-hand/

    The ACTUAL file in the download is,

    https://www.renderhub.com/aesli/tink-hand, which is RIGHT hand !!

    Rank: Rank 7

    @sonytony Thanks 🙂 I will check, I hide it from the blog till then 🙂

    Rank: Rank-1
    Rank: Rank-1




    This is really pissing me off.

    XF Lace High Waist Lingerie for Genesis 9

    This 2nd post that I have just paid for for the second time contains the WRONG product agin. It is the DAZ item in the download, NOT the Rendo one.

    The King
    Rank: Rank-1

    Can we get a sort-by-value option? Also, a way to see or take us to our own requests.

    Rank: Rank 5

    @SonyTony , that's pretty bad when we have to start checking the files to make sure we are getting the actual product. 🙁

    Rank: Rank-1


    The FILLED REQUESTs are supposed to be checked before points are sent out and then posted on the blog. Obviously not all are being checked properly.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Please take care of the image failure problem, I don't even know what I'm looking at, they're all over the site.

    Rank: Rank 5

    Show filled or show approved on the request page not working.
    "Oops! That page can’t be found."


    Rank: Rank 7


    It works OK for me. :0/

    Rank: Rank 5

    It works OK for me

    Now it works for me!

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