🗯 FEEDBACK & WISHLIST // Request Filling & Posting System

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  • #2045156
    Rank: Rank 7

    @tschenk The selective fill feature is currently not available. I can't say any release date, because of the upcoming holidays, real life workload etc. But definitely, that will be the next new feature 🙂

    Rank: Rank 4

    Is there a reason this is happening:

    First example has following separate request post links:

    EDIT-Re-Write: Is there a reason duplicate request posts are occurring?
    Understand it likely primarily comes down to users that are not searching first, and then posting separately.
    But is system capable of filtering or catching and preventing duplicates before they happen? Or filtering, finding, and merging duplicates before they're filled?

    Realize this must be on the radar, just curious.

    EDIT: Also, how are fills and award points subsequently resolved with duplicate posts? Are there multiple fillers and awards for each instance? Or is everything mashed into a single fill and upcoming/blog post?
    Seems like work to prevent, and then double the work to correct after filled.

    Rank: Rank 7


    From the FAQ:

    ❓ An Item or Bundle instantly got Filled, right away after someone requested it, what should I do?
    ❕ First check the Upcoming Post section on the blog, if the request got scheduled as a blog post, you can wait until it gets released or you can PM the poster to ask for a link to it, but you are not allowed to start a new request, because it could lead to a duplicate blog post.
    ❕ If you can't see any Scheduled or Normal blog post for it, then you are free to make a new request, that won't be a duplicate (and you don't have to wait).

    For the handling question: Every request has an in-system unique ID, it doesn't matter if it's a re-requests or a new request.

    Rank: Rank-1

    So, are the picture links going to get fixed any time soon? jpg2.su doesn't seem to exist anymore, Bunkrr is not accepting new users, and imagehostx pictures all break

    Rank: Rank-1

    Here is a wishlist- Request...

    Could we make it (eventually) that you can sort the requests by Points offered?

    SO if ahh... someone is low on points, and they wanted to get the most bang for their buck, they could see what currently is requested and has the most points on offer?

    Rank: Rank 7

    I apologise if this has come up as I don't have time to read 10 pages.

    When something is requested and then filled it doesn't mention if it requires another product when its posted.
    I filled something that then got posted to the main page and it was an add on. somebody downloaded it and couldn't get it to work until I pointed out that they needed the original item.

    Rank: Rank 3

    I don't know if I can include overall request for the site itself here, but I think it will help the request system and prevent dupes from users like me:

    1.) Combine the site search function to show post in blog/upcoming to also show requested items.

    Personally, I think users shouldn’t have to navigate to one page of the site to find results for posts on the blog or as an upcoming item. Then navigate to a different section of the site and perform another search to see if the item wasn’t already requested.

    I’m one of the naughty users that received multiple messages about requests I’ve made already being posted in upcoming or requested. I understand this could be a “stupid user” issue for me, but I also know the system itself has a bit of a flaw that doesn’t help the problem.


    2.) Create a active check function in request form for the item name &/or SKU

    When filling out the Request form, it would be nice for the "REQUESTED ITEM OR BUNDLE NAME" field to also perform a "check" on the blog & request system to see if a item with that exact name is already posted or requested.

    Akin to how on some sites actively check the username you're typing to see if someone already claimed that username. I think a system like this would help prevent duplicates.

    2A.) If an item does match what was given in the "REQUESTED ITEM OR BUNDLE NAME" field, then it will show the result below the field as a clickable link that opens a new tab. This will allow the users to quickly check if the item their about to request is indeed what they wanted. If not, they can close the tab and go back to the request form and continue filling it out.

    Reza Ardekani
    Rank: Rank 5

    I'd like to voice two feature requests:

    1) If a request has been filled without scheduling a post to the blog, there could be a button as a one-click solution to reposting that same request for people that missed it.

    2) When a request has been filled, but there are problems with the fill, the notification you get says to contact one of several (currently 4 I think) moderators. However, mods are only people and often offline for many many hours, and with the tight 24 hour limit to report something wrong with a fill, this can be an issue. So the idea would be, have an automatical ticket system, with a link in the fill message you can click on that puts the request in a freeze state until one of the moderators can attend to it.

    That's all for now.

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