Fixer for ·dXchnge

Fixer for ·dXchnge

Fixer for ·dXchnge

For users of converting iMotion or rlMotion into 3dxchange (Realluison pipeline ...), the biggest problem is that the "Bend" or the "Twirst" bones are not properly corrected in BVH export: Neither Autodesk Motion Builder ...
Obviously I'm talking about Genesis 3 and 8 ...
If you look, after exporting a Bvh from 3dXchange, and opening it with a Notepad ++ or similar, there is no such transfer.
This represents a big problem.
With this executable "Fix.exe", it is largely solved, since it "transfers" the position, rotating from "Twist" to "Bend".
I have added "zoneGfx" to annoy leechers when the conversion is done. 😀
The differences are remarkable: load 2 identical figures. To one, without modifying the bvh. On the other, the modified one.
The operation is simple. It is not Daz script, but from "command prompt" in windows. (not Mac, sorry..I am not a mac user, and all this is done with Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 community ..)
Just copy the exe in the directory (Not recursive .., at last ..) and run.

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