Farm Fencing

Farm Fencing

Farm Fencing

PVC Farm Fencing is the most commonly used modern enclosure product for farms in North America for a few reasons; it never needs painting, it assembles quickly and efficiently, and looks great against the setting sun during every season. And now it is available for your virtual worlds.
Farm Fencing is a full 3D exterior environment for DAZ Studio. The set includes individual prop elements as well as a full scene preload. Elements include prefab corrals, four board fences, galvanized metal gate, horse cavaletti, sliding barn doors, barn stables, grass clusters, low poly rocks and two versions of the same tree. And yes the large farmland prop with surrounding hilly terrain is included as well. The barn/stables have operating front and rear barn doors, and a partial interior with half stalls as seen through the barn doors. The efficiently built polygon props can easily be added to any other environment too. Add as few or as many as your computer system can handle. And each element can be selected and moved as may be required.
There are mat options to turn the standard pvc white boards to a wood finish if desired. There are a series of camera angles included to get you moving around the large environment quickly, and the promo light sets for DAZ Studio are included.
Please note: the character, figures, animals and vehicles seen in the promos are for visualization purposes only and are available separately through DAZ.
What’s Included and Features
Farm Fencing:
1 Full Farm Preload
18 Individual Props:
Barn Stall
Brick Gate
Farm Gate
Farm Stable
4Boards by2
Angled Corral
Corral White
Corral Wood
Farm Fence
Fence Section
Thick Post
Grass Billboards
Grass Cluster
Tree small
Row of Trees
Low Poly Rocks
Light Set
Various Cameras
Fence Materials
Textures Include:
44 Texture and Transparency Maps (400 x 400 to 4096 x 1536)
DAZ Studio Material Presets (.DSA)
NOTE: The original asset did contain Poser and OBJ files as well as DAZ files - unfortunately, only the DAZ files are uploaded for this release
The original link for this page on the DAZ store was as follows: but it seems the asset is no longer in the store

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