Everglades Tavern and World Set

Everglades Tavern and World Set

Everglades Tavern and World Set

Everglades Tavern & World Set is a very detailed set that includes a Tavern
with fully modeled bricks, a stone base and decorative stone windows, a lion's
head, and an under section with lanterns and other paraphernalia , in the
outdoors it also includes a brick path, a cart and
a jetty and more.
Also included in this set are 2 complete world environments to choose from: a forest type environment and a woodlands hills type environment.

Each environment features a small lake surrounded by hills and plants,
bushes, trees and a set of horizons with morphing abilities.
It also features realistic skies as the backdrop along with a Sundial that
controls the position of the physical sun (Iray only)

There are 20 Fully setup preset scenes plus 27 Separate objects that can be added if you wish to build a scene from scratch.

There are also 8 camera setups and 12 Sundial setups as well.


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