Dynamic Classics for Victoria 7 & Genesis 3 Female(s)

Dynamic Classics for Victoria 7 & Genesis 3 Female(s)

Dynamic Classics for Victoria 7 & Genesis 3 Female(s)
Dynamic Classics for Victoria 7 & Genesis 3 Female(s) is a collection of Dynamic Clothing originally created for Victoria 4, a premiere 3D model, now rigged for Genesis 3 Female, which makes them compatible with Victoria 7 and Genesis 3 Base Female. They will fit other characters with different rates of success depending on rigging and scaling. As an extra this set also includes 3 items of clothing previously created for the male shape of Michael 4 but adapted through rigging and scaling of clothes panel to the female shape (casual shirt, tank-top and gym shorts).

Rigged for Genesis 3 Female, this means your clothes conform to the figure so you have an option between static and animated drapes. You can pose your figure and your clothing follows your pose like conforming clothes, then you hit your drape button and the Optitex Dynamics engine drapes your outfit around your figure eliminating pokethrough and creating folds unique to your pose.

Dynamic Clothing flows with your character's shape in a more natural way. With conforming clothes, even when the creator has included several morphs created using other software's dynamic engines there will be a pose these pre-packaged morphs can't hit in a natural way. Particularly difficult fits are extreme poses or shapes, where animated draping is recommended. Nothing fits more natural than Dynamic Clothing where they flow around your Figure creating exciting visual details with wrinkles and folds that dynamically change depending on your pose - enhancing realism in your renders. Once you take the time to understand how to master dynamic simulations it will become a new arsenal that you can put to use on your work. This set has enough items to keep you busy learning and creating with this more advanced type of 3D clothes.


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