Ducttaped 3

Ducttaped 3

Ducttaped 3

Ducttaped 3

Duct tapes on wrist (front/back position), ankle, thigh, and torso for G8M/G8F.

Load single part with pose under “Ducttape3” or multiple tapes with pose under “WearExtra”folder.

For G8M/G8F there are 7 extra poses with tapes.

8 materials for tapes.


1.To make the tapes wrap around the body smoothly, the “Smooth Iterations” value is 60.
It might be a little laggy on a realatively lower end CPU while running smooth on my device (Intel Core i7-12700K).
You can turn down the value under “Mesh Smoothing - Smoothing Iterations” in Parameters panel with the tape selected.

2.The tapes work well while the part of the figure is WITHOUT clothes. When the figures with clothes it may touch/cross part of the tapes.


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