Degas Danseur-An Artistic Set of Ballet Poses

Degas Danseur-An Artistic Set of Ballet Poses

Degas Danseur-An Artistic Set of Ballet Poses
The sound of the rosin-covered ballerina toe-shoes seemed to scumble in cadence with the artist's pastels as each danced away: she with her pointed shoes on the wooden floor; he with the chalky colors on the board in his lap. Two rhythms counterpointing each other with their unique artistries, both created till one finally supplicated for a merciful break. The ballerina wore a different outfit each day at his bequest, creating a bountiful palette that flowed with ease from the artist's supple fingers, ingraining the motion of her dance into the paper.

Captured from and inspired by the masterpieces of Edgar Degas, these 25 balletic morsels will feed your Sylphine muse. Indulge your ballerina and let her show you the beauty of 'The Degas Danseur'.

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