Collective3d Portrait Vignettes Horror 1

Collective3d Portrait Vignettes Horror 1

Collective3d Portrait Vignettes Horror 1
The Collective3d Portrait Vignettes series is a collection of simple but well detailed scenes for the times you need to render a nice portrait of your favorite character but don't care for the time and expense of loading in a larger scene.

Horror 1 features a small 10 foot by 10 foot outdoor scene, with the side of an old abandoned house, the ground (with grass and ivy), a junk pallet, a maple tree, and a spooky ghost!

Simple but elegant, you simply load the scene, load your character, light, and shoot. The smaller scene means less memory and CPU overhead. Each of the components is unwrapped in up to 4k resolution for nice, sharp textures that are easily recolored in your favorite paint program!

The set includes the ground plane, the wall, grass, ivy, pallet, tree, and spooky ghost! Also included are preload setups with and without the tree and ivy, which can then be loaded separately. Note: the ivy is very high poly. Load with discretion!

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