Classic Monsters: Frankenstein For G3M-G8M

Classic Monsters: Frankenstein For G3M-G8M

Classic Monsters: Frankenstein For G3M-G8M

Now for DS users, Frankenstein for GM3 and G8M features a resurrection of the M4 character featuring a complete custom-made character for G3M and G38. Frankenstein includes a unique custom morph (no previous morph sets required), a carefully hand-painted texture, and separate shaders for iRay and 3Delight. Also included are genital textures, MAT files and a separate morph for the G3M and G8M genital figures. An option to scale the figure up to 120% is also included.

Included are the following:
-INJ Frankenstein morph for G3M and G8M
-iRay and 3Delight shader options for both G3M and G8M
-Two eye color options (mismatched and maroon)
-Genital morph, texture, and MAT files
-A morph dial to change the scale of the figure to 120%

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