Body Fluids For DAZ

Body Fluids For DAZ

Body Fluids For DAZ
This package contains a comprehensive collection of models depicting all kinds of human fluids and waste products.
5 passed faeces (poop) models: splat, laid, curled, log and a gloopy puddle
2 diarrhea models - one small, and one explosive
2 puddles - one horizontal, and a one vertical (ideal for dribbling down glass or mirrors)
1 pool of vomit
2 vomit sprays (one small and one exorcist type)
2 urine streams (one compact and one large and splashy
3 Ejaculation models

In addition to the models, the package includes the following shaders that you can apply to your own third party models:

5 urine/water shades (clear, very pale yellow, pale yellow, orange, and green)
4 faeces shades (brown, green orange and dried white)
3 blood shades (bright, mid and dark red)

The shaders can also be applied to the included models, creating spectacular ejacuations, watery puddles, blood splashes and more.

There are also 5 poses for Genesis 3 and 8 females (low pooping stance, wide pooping stance, vomiting in a toilet bowl, standing vomit, standing and leaning vomit)

Genesis 3 and 8 males include the same poses, plus an additional three poses (standing to pee, standing to pee pulling font of pants down, and reclining to masturbate). Male genital poses are included where appropriate.

All poses include pose and position reset poses.

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