Better FBX Importer Exporter v6.0.5

Better FBX Importer Exporter v6.0.5

Better FBX Importer Exporter v6.0.5

Supports Blender v2.82 - v4.3.0 Alpha.
Supports importing PBR material from 3ds Max & Maya.
Supports exporting PBR material to Unity Engine, Unreal Engine and Godot Engine.
Supports Blender Renderer, Cycles Renderer, and Eevee Renderer.
Supports N-Gons (Polygons consisting of more than 4 vertices).
Supports importing FBX, DAE, OBJ, DXF and 3DS files.
Supports exporting FBX, DAE, OBJ and DXF files.
Supports exporting FBX smoothing groups.
Supports automatic bone orientation.
Supports armature deform animation.
Supports exporting non-linear animation.
Supports shape key animation.
Supports multiple material sets.
Supports multiple UV sets.
Supports multiple vertex color sets.
Supports meshes attached to bones.
Supports mesh instances.
Supports generic node transform animation.
Supports dummy nodes.
Supports camera.
Supports lights.
Supports custom properties.
Supports importing vertex animation of Maya format(.mc/.mcx) and 3ds Max format(.pc2).
Supports exporting vertex animation of Maya format(.mcx) and 3ds Max format(.pc2).
Compatible with all FBX versions.
Supports exporting from any generic rigging system.
Supports exporting game-friendly armature from Rigify Auto-Rigging System.
Supports importing Blender friendly armature and 3d models.
Supports exporting game engine friendly armature and 3d models.
Supports importing multiple files in batch.
Supports exporting to separate files in batch.
Supports exporting multiple actions or multiple NLA tracks.
Supports concatenate multiple animations into single animation.
Supports UDIM mapping.
Supports Unity Engine 2021, Unreal Engine 4/5 and Godot Engine v4.1.1.
Supports Windows, Linux and macOS.
Does not support IK bones*.
Does not support custom bone shapes.
Does not support multiple bind poses.
*IK Support
The add-on can export and import basic IK constraints since v4.1.10.

You can only use empty object as the target object, if you did not assign a target object, the add-on will create an empty object as the target object automatically.

The add-on can import basic IK constraints from Maya correctly, but the exported IK constraints are not compatible with Maya.

To import the basic IK constraints into Maya, you need to insert at least one keyframe of any object, for Maya treats IK constraints as animation data, if there isn't any animation data, the IK constraints will be ignored.

After imported the basic IK constraints into Maya, you will find that the bones can't be driven by the effector correctly, this is caused by the wrong pole vector value. To fix the issue, you need to copy the rotation value to the 'Pre-rotation' value for every bone between the IK chains, and reset the rotation value to zero, for Maya use the 'Pre-rotation' value to calculate the pole vector value.

As 3ds Max can't export and import IK constraints at all, you can't import and export IK constraints for 3ds Max.

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