Battleship Yamato (starblazers)


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Battleship Yamato (starblazers)
Commanded by Admiral Juzo Okita, Yamato makes its way through the solar system, surprising and thoroughly defeating the Garmillan forces that have been besieging Earth. The empire's unexpected defeat at the hands of a supposedly primitive race draws the attention of the empire's dictatorial leader, Abelt Dessler, who throws more of his empire's might against the Earth vessel in an increasingly desperate bid to stop it. At the same time, a conspiracy to assassinate Dessler and seize the throne is attempted, and a resistance movement against Dessler begins to grow. Elements of the resistance ally themselves with Yamato as it nears its destination in the Large Magellanic Cloud, and Yamato's crew eventually confront Dessler's forces on the capital world of Garmillas itself, leading to the leader's exile and the beginning of a new era for the empire. Yamato reaches Iscandar, and the crew learns about the dangerous potential of wave motion energy before receiving Starsha's gift and heading for home.

Extra note:

The Yamato model Can use his main big Cannons and his barrels from right to left and up and down.


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